I mentor purpose-driven entrepreneurs. The journey is predictable.

Brooke Monaghan
6 min readJan 17, 2022

To listen to the podcast version of this article click here.

How do you build a business that makes a difference, has an impact, and makes the world a better place? What do you want your legacy to be, and how do you create that through the business that you are building every day?

These are big questions, and here is what makes them especially challenging:

Most of us were taught for our entire lifetime that we needed to follow the rules to keep ourselves safe. And if you’ve listened to my podcast for any length of time, it isn’t news to you that the “do it right”, “follow the formula”, and “just do it the way I did it and you will succeed” message has completely taken over the business development world. But creating change and impact, and making a real difference doesn’t happen by replicating things that have already been done. It happens by stepping outside the lines and doing things differently.

The good news is, if the rules and business as usual aren’t working for you, you are uniquely equipped to change things up, solve overlooked problems, and make a difference. But to be a real game changer, you have to loosen the grip on your rule follower tendencies.

Today, we are going to talk a bit about those 5 growth phases, the biggest mistakes I see people make in this growth process, and why you have to move through these 5 phases at your own pace to build your impact and legacy.

The 5 growth phases from rule follower to game changer:

1.Seeking savior: This is where you are thinking that if you just get it “right” success will be gracefully delivered to you and all of your problems will be solved.

A lot of business owners are stuck in seeking savior. It’s the mindset that if you can just perfect that one next thing, or if you can just get your mindset right, or if you can find “The Answer”, things will “click”.

The really unfortunate truth is that most marketing in the business development world is created knowing that people are in this place. It promises that if you enroll in their program or follow their formula, everything will change. And sadly, lots of people are in this place because they are really struggling and unhappy and are desperate to get to a level in their business where they think all of their problems will be solved.

If this is you, please know it is not your fault. This illusion is reinforced everywhere you look. But eventually, one of two things will happen: either you will start to play the game yourself, making huge promises and perpetuating the status quo. OR, you will realize it’s all bullshit that you don’t want to be a part of. That’s when you move into the next phase.

2.Fall out: The vast majority of business owners eventually find out that hustling to get it “right” and enrolling in endless programs won’t deliver the easy success they were promised. This is when you start to enter the Fall Out phase, where trust in the “right” way and what you “should” do starts to break down.

Fall out is a really challenging place to be. It usually feels like things are falling apart and there is a lot of grief, disappointment, and anger.

Episode 93 of my podcast discusses this phase in-depth.

Here is the truth about fall out: for you to get comfortable breaking the rules you really need to let go of the idea that getting it “right” will save you. So while the breakdown that fall out brings is painful, it is necessary. Because it is a reckoning — and on the other side of the reckoning is clarity, direction, and the freedom to stop hustling to get it “right”.

For clients of mine who are in Fall Out, I really try to encourage them to allow space for the anger and grief. This is not the time to try to reframe everything to gratitude or override your emotions. Sometimes, your anger is what can point you in the direction of what you want to do differently!

3.Agency: Eventually, your trust will shift away from the “right way” and the “rules” and toward yourself. This is you stepping into your own agency, and it is the first time that you can truly be engaged in the learning and growth process (something we cover in Rule Breakers’ Crew).

This is where you will find yourself realizing that there is no easy out, that there is no formula, and that you are going to have to figure it out on your own.

When you are in agency, you are no longer trying to hustle or muscle your way to a finish line, but are instead being intentional about moving forward with integrity and in a way that is uniquely yours. This is when you’ve moved squarely into Rule Breaker territory.

4.Conscious power: Once you’ve gone through the process of developing self trust and build the habit of showing up in integrity, you move into what I call Conscious Power. This is where your focus shifts away from you and toward your larger vision. You are confident in what you are doing, you know it needs to be grown to maximize your impact, and you are clear that you are not your business.

This is the first stage in Game Changer territory and it is also your indicator that it is time to start focusing on growth strategy and leadership.

5.Impact and legacy: Finally, after you move through these 4 stages, you can find yourself building your impact and legacy. This is where your vision and impact are being realized, you’re making a difference, and you are focused on who the vision and business are calling on you to be.

If you’re a purpose-driven entrepreneur and this process is resonant for you, here are some mistakes to avoid along the way.

1.By far the most common mistake I see impact-focused business owners make is focus on growth strategy too soon. This usually happens either in the Seeking Savior phase, but is also common in Agency.

In the Agency phase, it is tempting to try to ramp up the intensity or drop back into just trying to get it “right” to rush the process. The problem is, this is actually a sneaky way that entrepreneurs slip back into Seeking Savior without even realizing it. And what comes after that? Fallout. Again.

Before you focus on growth strategy you first need to build self trust, create the habit of showing up sustainably and in integrity, and learn about the best way to serve your people in a way that is sustainable for you. Then you can focus on growth. Otherwise you will continue the cycle of burning yourself out or showing up out of integrity.

2.Don’t expect your business to save you. I can tell you first hand that creating an aligned business has dramatically improved my life and happiness. But it isn’t really the business that did that, it’s the lessons that I learned along the way, the relationship I built with myself, and overall just being more intentional about my life.

Lots of business owners remain stuck in seeking savior because they are expecting business success to fix all of their problems or save them from all of the struggles of their life. This way of thinking only blurs your judgement, creates desperation, and can fuel a really unsustainable relationship with your work.

If you’re unhappy and expect that 6 figures will magically flip the happiness switch, I recommend taking a look at your life and examining what is missing — what can you do for yourself now that you’re telling yourself you have to wait for?

I also highly recommend finding a great therapist who can help you work through some of the other struggles that you may be using your business to distract yourself from.

3.Don’t expect your process to look like anyone else’s. Comparing your growth to others’ will get you off track quickly. The process of learning to show up in a way that is sustainable, values aligned, and impactful looks different for every single person and it is your job to trust your own timing so that you don’t resist your process and fall back into what you think you “should” be doing — which, remember, only replicates what has already been done and does not create change.

Find people who are transparent and honest about the non-linear nature of their growth. Surround yourself with people who you can learn from rather than just compare yourself to. And prioritize taking excellent care of yourself and making time and space for things that bring you joy so you aren’t finding yourself racing to the finish line.

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Brooke Monaghan

Coach to founders and managers of game-changing organizations. Self guided workshop: Pathway to sustainable, aligned business → www.brooke-monaghan.com